ACVF wantS to know
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The American Conservative Values ETF’s management team continually seeks to better understand politically conservative investor’s sentiments and opinions as corporate reputations are impacted by news events and market performance.
Our surveys are informal and the Adviser is not bound by the results.
Currently, we are conducting a survey of Fox News, which has historically been the media stalwart of conservative values.
Given their prominence in the conservative movement their current actions are particularly concerning. The grumblings among conservatives about Fox News can no longer be ignored with their firing of Tucker Carlson their most conservative and popular host.
Since Tucker Carlson was fired on April 24th.
- Fox’s prime time ratings for the 8 pm hour have declined by almost 50%
- Other prime time programs’ audiences dropped significantly with no strong lead in.
- Hannity and Ingram audiences are both down over 30% after Carlson’s release.
- Fox Corp’s (FOX & FOXA) stock prices are down over 7% since Carlson’s release (4/21/23 close until 5/4/23 1:00) cutting its market cap by approximately $1.2 billion.
Is Fox going mainstream as many conservatives have suggested?
- Were Carlson’s views against advertisers like Pfizer a factor in the decision to let him go from Fox?
- Did Carlson’s attacks on GOP leaders like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham contribute to his release?
- Were Carlson’s views against the support of Ukraine part of the decision to eliminate Carlson from the network?
What do you think?